Por que as almas NÃO se CONVERTEM - Paul Washer

Por que as almas NÃO se CONVERTEM - Paul Washer [Music] so when I'm talking about living the gospel and speaking the gospel I'm not just talking about ministers I'm talking about every.

Por que as almas NÃO se CONVERTEM - Paul Washer

Christian and I'm not just talking about men talking about women and I'm not just talking about adults I'm talking about young.

People anyone who professes faith in Christ their number one job is to become an expert in the gospel Sunday school what do most kids get out of.

Sunday School paint pictures of Noah's Ark and when a story is told them about Noah's Ark the whole emphasis is on how God.

Saved the animals that's not what the story is about at all the ark is a type of Christ and we are only saved from the.

Wrath of God in Christ and when we're in Christ God's the one who closes the door and we are.

Secure don't give children a bunch of stories even biblical stor unless you're going to properly interpret them let me just use this as an.

Opportunity to teach the way most people teach the Old Testament they're teaching the Old Testament like eso's fables the Greek eso's.

Fables okay fabulas the ESOP in in G in the see it was a Greek book Greek stories and they had the the purpose of sharing.

Morality that's the way most people teach the Old Testament a bunch of Moral Stories no it's not that's what Jesus was doing the 40.

Days after his resurrection he was teaching the apostles how to go back in into the Old Testament and to see him on every page the story of David and.

[Applause] Goliath it isn't about David and Goliath it's about one greater than David the story of Samson isn't about getting your haircut.

    It is about one greater than

    Samson Samson grabbed the gates of a city and carried them up on a hill and threw them down Christ ripped up the gates of.

    Hell and threw them down on Calvary but unlike Samson he did not fail the story of Moses when Joshua is fighting Down Below.

    In the valley when Moses raises his hands Joshua prevails but when Moses gets tired and drops his.

    Hands Joshua's getting beat so they bring a rock and set Moses down on it and then someone gets on each side of Moses and lifts up his.

    Hands and I've heard preachers say in this way we need to help the pastor we need to lift up his hands that's not what that means you know what it.

    Means Moses at that moment was a mediator and when he mediated Joshua had Victory but when he got tired and couldn't intercede.

    Anymore the people of God lost you know what the story is about we now have a mediator who doesn't get tired Jesus Christ Our.

    Lord Liv forever to so when you're teaching These Old Testament stories teach them correctly yes there are Moral.

    Stories but that's not the primary purpose morality will not change anyone that's religion the gospel changes people let's go.

    On he says in verse 15 so for my part

    I'm eager to preach the gospel to you says I'm eager some news happens on the television or you see it on the.

    Internet and you run out of your office you get on the telephone you can't wait to tell people you want to be the first or sometimes.

    Negatively you hear some gossip and you can't wait to share it with but Paul he said he was eager to preach the gospel I can't wait to share the.

    Gospel my joy now let me give you a little insight here some people say well you know I just don't have the opportunity here's my.

    Question do you want the opportunity that's the first thing you need to be honest do you want the opportunity to.

    Share the gospel because if you do I can show you how to get an opportunity your place in Romans and go to.

    Colossians chapter 4 chapter 4 verse 2 devote yourselves to prayer keep Alert in it with an attitude.

    Of Thanksgiving praying at the same time for us as well that God will open up a door to us for the.

    Word do you ever do that do you ever pray that I have to confess when I've got a lot to do I do not pray this.

    Prayer because if you pray this prayer God will begin to open up doors he really will for some of you young evangelists you see it seems like there.

    Are two extremes we have people who do not evangelize with a lot of zeal they're afraid to even bring the subject.

    Up or we have people that are filled with so much Zeal that they're rude obnoxious and they drive everybody crazy they're trying to you know they.

    Say I want to share Christ with you and some guys says no I don't want to hear it but they just keep going or every opportunity they they say.

    Something really Christian hoping to start a conversation until they drive their co-workers crazy what should we.

    Do all sharing of the Gospel begins with prayer I cannot knock a door down but God can open up a door the son of David can open a door no man can close.

    And so you pray Lord open the door open a door anywhere and then as you're praying that you also pray in verse three that we may speak forth the.

    Mystery of Christ for which I have been in prison that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak.

    So you pray for an Open Door you pray God gives you the wisdom to speak as you ought and then verse five you conduct yourself with wisdom toward.

    [Applause] Outsiders making the most of every opportunity that's just something I want to share with you all the sharing of the Gospel begins.

    With prayer Pray for an open door you know pray for an open door with family members with co-workers in your.

    Job pray for open doors at if you go to the gym pray for open doors at the gas station wherever you go and then make the most of those.

    Opportunities when God gives them to you and when he gives you an opportunity and you fail repent ask for.

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