"Você está procura do MARIDO PERFEITO " - Joel Beeke

"Você está procura do MARIDO PERFEITO " - Joel Beeke Loved us while we were unattractive and undeserving he loved us while our minds were at enmity with him he loved us the way Hosea loved go Hosea 1 verse2 God says to Goomer.

Take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of homs for the land committed great whoredom departing from the Lord and as an adulteress goer had a series of.

Affairs and when her Youth and her attractiveness were spent she ended up in the slave market but Hosea found her.

There and bought her back not to Revenge her but out of sheer love for her and that is how God loves you dear believer while we were unclean and.

Unfaithful and spiritually adulterous he loved us John says having loved his own he loved them to the.

End he loves them to the furthest limits of love he loves them through geeman and through Gaba all the way to goath oh the Everlasting Love of.

God oh the everflowinglife husband ever do you want a match who has honor and.

Greatness he is God and man he's the brightness of his father's Glory the king of kings and Lord of lords do you want a husband who has riches and.

Treasures his riches are by far the best for they last forever and they're infinitely great and they will satisfy all your desires are you looking for A Generous.

Heart in a spouse he lays out his riches so that your joy may be full are you looking for one who is wisdom and has.

Knowledge he is wisdom itself he knows perfectly how to glorify himself and how to treat you perfectly as his bride are you looking for beauty and.

Handsomeness he is all together lovely he's more than all the beauty of all human beings and Angels combined are you looking for someone who will truly love.

    You he is love

    Itself he is love that is higher than the heavens and deeper than the Seas do you want a husband who is.

    Honored and esteemed he's worshiped by the angels and the Saints everyone whose opinion really matters Treasures.

    Him and above all the his father Delights in him do you seek a spouse who will never die and never leave you a widow Christ is the king Immortal and.

    Eternal he is the resurrection and the life Behold the Lamb of God behold the perfect bridegroom do you know him have you received him as your heavenly.

    Husband have you come to him repenting of your sins casting yourself on his Mercy well you have him even now the son of God.

    To be your savior to love and honor and obey from this day forth and forever more will you have the Lamb of God to be the sin.

    Bearer to take away all your sin and to Usher you into Everlasting worship and Glory oh if you will have him as your.

    Bridegroom he says come to me just as you are you are a welcome guest at the marriage supper of the lamb but if you won't have.

    It and you continue that way and your heart continues to be a factory of Idols that puts all kinds of things above Jesus Christ.

    And you go that way to the

    End you will not have him at all and Dreadful shall it be to fall into the hands of the Living God unprepared bow your knee to this.

    Bridegroom worship Him find your all in him don't rest until you can say with Paul for me to live is Christ and to die is gain because I'm in.

    Christ what about the bride what a wedding what a bridegroom but also what a bride look at verses seven and 8 the marriage of the Lamb is common as.

    Wife hath made herself ready to her was granted she shall be ar raay in fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints a bride wears what she thinks.

    Will please her husband and she wants to get ready for the wedding I still remember our first daughter getting ready for her.

    Wedding she said dad I I want a I want a dress that will please my husband and she had a checklist of all these things you had to get done 90 days before the wedding 60 days before the.

    Wedding and she was always ahead of the list she couldn't wait for her wedding and what a beautiful thing that is a Believer should be that.

    Way waiting for his wedding day in Heavenly places Charles Spurgeon said every morning a Believer ought to go to the east side of his home and lift up the.

    Shade and look out and say oh he's not coming quite yet John Kelvin said he who does not long to be with Christ in heaven has made little progress in the Christian.

    Life don't you long for the day when you can be dressed in the presence of the king of kings in his white robe of perfect righteousness and yes we men should not.

    Feel queasy about this because we're not talking about a literal marriage just like you women should not feel queasy when the Bible only talks about.

    Being adopted sons of God and not Daughters of God you are included in the very word Sons symbolically and we men are included in.

    This everlas in spiritual intimacy with Christ and so this dress is very important you read of the parable where there was a man who did not come with a wedding garment.

    On and what is this wedding dress it's the imputed righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ and that what inter you see is a gift of Jesus Christ.

    Himself so that the moment you savingly believe in Jesus Christ his double righteousness is imputed to you the righteousness of his passive.

    Obedience his suffering obedience paying for your sins and the righteousness of his perfect obedience to the law his active obedience sorry his active obedience to.

    The law by which he loved God above all and his neighbor as himself for all 33 years of his life perfectly his passive obedience gives us.

    The right to forgiveness of sins his active obedience gives us a right to everlasting life so through this double Obedience of righteousness.

    We are everlastingly saved what a beautiful thing that is and it's entirely free.

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